Prenatal Care

Making Doula Magic!

Hey there! I’m Scarlett, a certified birth doula and photographer near Atlanta, GA. Get to know me!

Here’s our magic motto

Birth is normal, natural, and beautiful. We need to learn to embrace birth instead of fearing it. You are capable and you are strong. Your body knows exactly what to do to birth your baby. Trust your body and trust the process!

Download our FREEBIE below on 7 Strategies to Overcoming Fear in Birth!


 Get to know me

Hi, I’m Scarlett!

As a professional Doula, I will work by your side as you prepare to give birth; present in each moment with a spirit of love and compassion. I firmly believe in the power of birth advocacy, ensuring that every woman feels empowered, supported, and informed throughout their journey to motherhood. Whether you are Interested in just chatting, or would like to work with me as your doula, I’ll provide the emotional, educational and physical support you need not only during labor, but throughout your pregnancy and postpartum as well.


Birthing Guidance

Get extra personal support throughout the entirety of your birthing journey. As a Doula, I promise to offer unwavering support to you and your family before, during, and will help out as much as possible, after birth. I will stay in close contact in order to routinely check how you’re doing and offer any support needed.

Prenatal Visits

After beginning our relationship with a meet and greet, as your doula I am committed to your health and the wellbeing of your growing family, available whenever needed throughout your entire pregnancy. I will be there to provide you with continuous emotional and physical support, and answer any and all questions you may have. I will offer as much birth education as possible and send continuous resources for you. You will have 6 weeks after birth of unlimited calls, texts and emails to me. 

Postpartum Support

From our initial meeting all the way through your pregnancy and delivery, I take the time to get to know you, your concerns and your needs. I’m always available to contact by phone/email throughout and will provide everything you require to make sure your experience is as calm and positive as possible.


Here’s a look at our offerings.

Birth doula services for Atlanta and surrounding areas.

Within a 2 hour radius

Holistic Birth

Hey mama, I can’t wait to meet you!

Drop a line!

Let’s have a chat over a cup of coffee (or a zoom call)! Or feel free to reach out to me directly at